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Entire Fire Management are Perth Bushfire Consultants with one priority–reducing the risks and effects of bushfires in Western Australia. Some of the services we offer.

  • APZ Clearing – Creating an Asset Protection Zone (APZ) - a fuel reduced area surrounding a building or an asset of value whether residential, commercial, industrial or environmental to reduce the impact of bushfire on the asset.
  • APZ Mulching – Similar to the above for an existing APZ - mulching is maintaining an existing APZ by reduction of the organic materials and nutrients to form a mulch that helps to prevents weeds or unwanted grass growth.
  • BAL/BMS/BMP – A Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) is a means of measuring the severity of a building’s potential exposure to ember attack, radiant heat and direct flame contact. It’s measured in increments of radiant heat (expressed in kilowatts/m2).
  • Hazard Reduction Burning (in an environmentally conscious manner) – A hazard reduction burn will reduce the density and amount of flammable material in an area, reducing the risk of fire starting and curtailing the rate of spread if one does occur.
  • Firebreaks – Creating a firebreak allows access for fire-fighting equipment to tackle any bushfires that may occur on your property as well as creating a partial barrier to the spread of fire.
  • Slashing – To reduce the height of tall grasses and thereby minimise the fuel load in an area, reducing fire spread and heat build-up.
  • Spraying – To kill vegetation, for a period, for example on a firebreak where weeds have started to grow.