Create a New Enquiry

January 31, 2019 - by Ascora Team

Create a New Enquiry


Enquiries in Ascora are used to record and manage sales leads.  Choose the Enquiries Icon in the Top Menu to display the Enquiries List.




1.  On the Enquiries List Screen, click the +New button to create a New Enquiry.



2.  Enter the Enquiry Details.  Note that for an Enquiry, there are no mandatory fields to complete - we do, however, recommend capturing as much information as possible.


  • Assign a Rating to assist with managing your Enquiries List.  Ratings are configurable under Administration > Sales
  • Choose a Lead Source from the dropdown menu - or create a new one by clicking the +Add New button - to assist with reporting against your advertising expenditure
  • Assign a User to manage the Enquiry
  • Capture Work Required information – this will flow through to the Quote or Job Description if you convert the Enquiry into a Quote or Job
  •  Enter address details

When you are ready, click the Save button.




3.  You can add Attachments, Tasks and Notes to an Enquiry as required by choosing the applicable Tab on the Enquiry Card.  If you convert the Enquiry to a Quote or Job, these will also flow through to the new Quote or Job Card.